Mage Titans Italia 2016
Just a few months ago Alessandro and his team at Bitbull approached us and asked if we would we be interested in launching Mage Titans in Italy? Of course, we would love to! And so began our partnership. Quite a few emails to and fro, a couple of phone conversations, a tight deadline, lots of shared files, lots of hard work and passion later, and we have Mage Titans Italia!
The team at Bitbull collaborated with us in the aim to connect with the wider Magento community, to communicate and share ideas, and to provide an accelerated learning environment. Also joining the collaboration are the Magento specialist sponsors; Magento agencies, hosting, and software, all who believe in the power of knowledge, without their support, we wouldn’t be able to hold the event. After all, it’s good to share. It also makes the World feel a whole lot smaller, whilst making learning and progression a hell of a lot easier. So, this Thursday, Jon, Tony and myself are jumping on a flight to Italy to visit the beautiful, metropolitan city of Milan, nonetheless.
The event itself takes place on Friday at the modern offices of DriveK, and boasts an impressive line-up of 12 speakers from around the World. The speakers range from well-known (to say the least) Magento experts, to lesser-known but equally knowledgeable presenters, who will be covering a wide range of subjects. The whole line-up can be perused here, and includes Marius, Sherrie, Anna, Vinai (second names not required 😉 ) and more, we also welcome Nadia to her first ever presentation!
The talks
Presenting Magento-developer-centric technical talks such as; Magento worst practice, performance, scaling an eCommerce environment, extending Magento layered navigation, demystifying plugins, secure input and output handling and Magento worst practice.
Magento 2, of course, gets a mention in; the Magento 2 rabbit hole, testing Magento 2, and Magento 2 as a CMS.
Whilst other talks have enticing subject titles like; f***ing up projects, embracing change and how to get involved in the Magento community. These talks cover more holistic and practical matters which refer to our work flows, the community, and environment that we (at Mage Titans) are all part of – the famous Magento community.
To prepare yourself to be captivated, you can view the full line-up and synopsis here.
See you there!
Needless to say, we are extremely excited and we anticipate an engaged and enthralling day much like Mage Titans Manchester, the highly respected Meet Magento events, and more (too many to list in fact, our community is seriously brimming with engagement). We hope that everyone attending gets all that they want out of the event and as always, we not only ask politely for feedback, we relish it!
For anyone that can’t make it to the Italian edition of Mage Titans, fear not, we will be tweeting live, sharing pictures, filming the talks, and writing up the best points of the day.
For pretty much anything else you would like to know, you can find it all here.
See you very soon Mage Titans!